As we travel along life’s journey, we experience lightening-bolts that can change our trajectory.
My horses and I help you find more clarity and more connection so you can create a better life.
Have you ever felt you were made for more? Are you in search of a way to achieve your goals…or even set a goal?
What if I could show you how to get rid of the mental blocks that keep you stuck?
I invite you to come experience this transformation for yourself…
Gain More Clairty
I specialize in helping others:
- Uncover your truth
- Find your courage
- Separate the past from the present
- Find your courage, Take the next steps forward, personally and professionally
Create A Better Life
Equine Gestalt Coaching, in its most basic form, is a way of removing the blocks that stand in the way, and allow for both healing and empowerment through the experience of horses.
- Horses are amazing animals who live in the present moment and offer unmeasurable emotional benefits to human- kind
Gain More Connection
- Horses are incredibly intuitive
- Masters at reading human body language
- They give us immediate feedback and act as a mirror
- Offer us honest and non-judgemental feedback
“The first step to getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.”
We all experience “spurs” in our lives. What we choose to do with them or how we react, is the key.
“Life isn’t about finding yourself…life is about creating yourself.”
George Bernard Shaw
What I do …
Are you struggling with:
- Your personal and/or professional goals
- Reimagining your next chapter in life
- Teen issues
- Setting healthy boundaries
- Your relationship with money
- Blended families
- Cancer – patient or caretaker
- Divorce
- Grief
How is this done?
- Equine Gestalt Coaching Method – removing the blocks that stand in the way, and allow healing through the experience of horses
- Horses are amazing animals who live in the present moment and offer unmeasurable emotional benefits to human- kind

I am blessed to be able to partner with amazing horses. Together, we help you become aware of thought patterns and limiting beliefs that may be holding you back.
To Redesigning your next chapter in life
To Creating an abundance mindset
To How does this work? AND
Through the uncomplicated guidance of a horse!
.Equine Gestalt Coaching…
- Allows individuals to deepen self-awareness
- Find grace, acceptance, and wholeness through the assistance of horses
- Develop strength and confidence
- Learn how to step into the person you were meant to become
I have studied intensively for four years under Melisa Pierce, the founder of the EGCM Practitioner Certification Program, in which I learned on two levels:
- How to deal with my own “unfinished business.”
- How to coach others through their life experiences using the amazing principles of Gestalt.
Horses are amazing animals who live in the present moment. They don’t care what happened yesterday, or what “might” happen tomorrow. They live in the moment…with no judgement of themselves; pure acceptance. Allow my horses to show you how you can learn to do the same!
Horses offer unmeasurable benefits to the human soul. More Clarity, More Connection, Better Life!
Why Horses …
Horses are incredible beings…
They provide immediate and honest feedback and act as a mirror to your soul.
When you trust the process and open up to them, they will open up to you, softly guiding you to your path.

Photo courtesy of the APHA Journal

Photo courtesy of the APHA Journal
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Franktown, CO & Serving those across the globe
(303) 903-1390